Thursday, May 08, 2008

Violet Jelly

I made the violet jelly today. It turned into a lovely purplish pink. I gave the children a taste and they say that they are willing to go pick another 2 cups of violets so that we can have more violet jelly. I can't say that it really tastes like violets. The violet water smelled more like a newly mowed lawn to me but I guess when you add a bunch of sugar to anything, it tastes good.


Anonymous said...

Eminoodle found a recipe and decided to make some, too, quite on her own. Dale's comments were similar to yours, "I can't imagine it would taste good, but then again, if it's mostly sugar, I'm sure it will." :-)

Ours is in some in-between state, though, soaking in it's purpleness.

Anonymous said...

oh good, the picture loaded when I came back. It's beautiful!

The pectin I have works even with low and no sugar recipes, so I may have Noodle gather another batch and try some stevia-sweetened jelly. Although it brings up the question, "What's the point" ? :-)

Technoprairie said...

Since the violets don't seem to have a strong taste of their own, I wouldn't be too sure that a no sugar recipe would work with violets as well as it would work with strawberries which have a smell and taste of their own. But it still might be a fun experiment.