Sunday, May 04, 2008

Respect for Chickens Day

Bet you didn't know that today is Respect for Chickens Day. Thanks to our calendar full of important dates (important as determined by my sister and brother-in-law), we knew the importance of today. According to the Internet (which means it must be true), Respect for Chickens Day celebrates the dignity, beauty and life of chickens and protests against the bleakness of their lives in farming operations.

We didn't eat any chicken today, but we did eat eggs so I guess we didn't quite respect them enough. Our chickens certainly don't have a bleak life with a fancy coop built for them, scratch every night (scratch is sorta like chicken candy), and a big yard for them to wander about in.
Seriously, they are fun birds and we have gotten a lot of enjoyment in watching them.

So everyone sing along: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me".....


Mike Bailey said...

thank goodness you follow the calendar's rules and commands. and the chicken thank you, too!

Technoprairie said...

I'm definitely following the calendar's rules. In fact, it might be said that it is ruling me. The children were disappointed that I didn't have taco shells so that we could have tacos on "Eat a Taco Day".

Anonymous said...

I'm not singin' to no chickens! ;-)

you could make soft tortillas and make soft tacos at home for Eat a Taco Day ...

Mike Bailey said...

you know what? this still makes me laugh.