Sunday, July 08, 2007

The waters are rising...

The peas are starting to slow down but everything else is building up. We'll pick more green beans tomorrow and we have lots of baby zucchini and summer squash just waiting for their turn. I guess it is time to start canning green beans.


Mike Bailey said...

i've recently read that the first thanksgiving "feast" was actually quite meager. lots and lots of people starved in the following winter, and hunger was severe even leading into winter.

too bad they didn't have joe and you there to provide a real cornucopia of food.

okay, maybe i went too far. maybe i shouldn't suggest that you and joe would have changed all of american history.

but i'm not ruling it out.

Technoprairie said...


We'd only make it if there were electrical pumps for spraying water on the crops and more seeds if our first planting didn't come up.

But we do have a great weeding crew already in place. :)