Monday, October 01, 2007

September Garden pictures

The summer is over. Fall is definitely on the way. The garden is finally winding down. Here are some pics from the fall produce. We don't have as many apples this year but the ones we have are beautiful.

I made my herb vinegar in September. From left to right, opal basil vinegar, rosemary vinegar, and tarragon vinegar. And for those of you who are wondering why I don't put the pretty one in the middle, here is why. I put them in alphabetical order so I will remember in the dead of the winter which one is rosemary and which is tarragon.

The pumpkin crop (believe it or not from the picture) was not as good as last year. But then, we did put the pumpkins in the new part of the garden that didn't get any manure worked into it.

The little orange pumpkins farthest from the camera are the pie pumpkins, the big ones Jack O Lanterns and the little white ones, Deb's baby boos.

We've also started to try and eat all those potatoes. These are blue potatoes, though they look more purple to me.

Here is what they look like mashed.

I paired the mashed blue potatoes with some grilled chicken (ours).


Anonymous said...

those purple potatoes are great!

I'd put a small sticker on the cork or bottom and put the red vinegar in the middle :-)

that's a pretty bottle and holder set!

Technoprairie said...

But then when I make oregano vinegar next year, I'll have to change the label! But that is a good idea. It would look better with the red vinegar in the middle, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

For some reason, every time I read your blog, I get hungry...

If I had known what a great cook you are, I would have invited myself to dinner when we lived there! :-)


Technoprairie said...

My secret is find good recipes and take the time to make them. Most good food takes time.