Tuesday, October 02, 2007

New York, New York!!

For our 20th anniversary, my dh asked me where I wanted to go. I told him that I've wanted to go to New York City. Last week, we dropped off the children at the home of a family from church (thanks again!!) and left for 2 1/2 days in Manhatten.

We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art the first afternoon.

We spent about 3 hours there zooming through the exhibits. Here is my dh trying to figure out which of the 5 Washington portraits is closest to the one on the dollar bill. We saw the "Washington Crossing the Delaware" and 5 or 6 Rembrandts, some Winslow Homers, lots of Dutch and early American works, the Medieval room, the Greek statues, and a little of the Egyptian wing.

Our hotel was near the Empire State building.

We walked through Central Park and marveled at its cleanliness and beauty.

I really wanted to go see the Statue of Liberty. So our second day was spent seeing Liberty and Ellis Island. It was very moving to me to approach the island by boat and think of what the immigrants felt.

I was also impressed by the Ellis Island museum. This is the great hall where the immigrants started their processing.

We gawked at Times Square.

We walked around the Grand Central Station and looked at the constellations in the ceiling of the great room.

And believe it or not, some taxis has TVs in the back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that looks like a really great trip!

This year is our 15th and we're trying to decide how to celebrate.