Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stephen's new look

Announcing the new look of Stephen - new glasses, new watch, and one lost baby molar.


Anonymous said...

Woooo, what a great new look! Very sharp, Stephen!

Anonymous said...

Karen...we made dandelion jelly and it went over quite well. The taste reminds us of orange marmalade. Let me know if you want the recipe.


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good!


Mike Bailey said...

stephen looks like a gentleman, a scholar, athlete, and basically an all around cool cat.

most def.

when i got glasses in fifth grade they were so heavy and big they were eventually used as a telescope lens at a major research institution. oh, did i mention they were hideously ugly? the world of glasses technology AND fashion has come a looooong way.

Technoprairie said...

When I was showing the children picture of me in high school, they asked why I had such big glasses on. I told them that we all thought that the big glasses were so cool and everyone looked good in them. Mine even had a tint to the lenses.