Thursday, June 05, 2008

First Summer Day in the Park

Today was our first park day of the summer. Really, Tuesday was supposed to have been the first park day, but it rained. So today is our first real day. As usual, the light sabers were brought to the park and a "Noah's Ark" playground piece was turned into a battleground with one team defending and one team attacking.

But the day grew grayer and darker and just before lunch, the heavens broke open and poured down rain. We ran for the vans and took our picnic lunch to the nearest house to the park. We had a picnic inside on their living room floor and then the children played games while the moms talked.


Anonymous said...

Was Tuesday's park day rained out? We were getting ready for company and didn't even try to come, but I don't remember any rain. Of course, the past (and present!) is all a blur to me. :-)

Technoprairie said...

Yes, it did rain long enough at the beginning to discourage anyone else but me and Shari who arrived at the park at different times and left, having seen no one else brave enough to go to the park in the rain.

Anonymous said...

I don't recognize the Noah's Ark piece from the usual Tuesday park. Do you have Park Days at a different park this case we ever get up there to go to one?


Technoprairie said...

The Noah's Ark park isn't the Tuesday park. We decided that the Thursday park group was getting a little too big for Thrune park. So this summer, we're rotating around some of the parks in town.