Monday, November 05, 2007

And the two (flocks) shall be as one

This past Thursday, we combined the new flock with the old flock. These Dominiques must be pretty mellow birds because we hardly had any pecking at all and no blood drawn. They seemed to take to their new coop pretty well once we actually got them in it. This new flock hadn't been outside the coop yet and as such, did not want to leave their coop to enter in the old coop. But with much flapping and yelling, we got them where they were to go. And then they wouldn't leave their new coop through the chicken back door. It took a couple of days before some of them were brave enough to go out in the chicken yard. We still haven't seen them go into the woods part of their yard, but I imagine that it will be a matter of time.

So Saturday we cleaned out the south coop. Once again, the tractor proved most valuable.

Here is one of the Araconas that we have. She was brave enough to go outside. We're down to 4 Araconas due to one of them dying this past Friday. We also lost a Dominique. We're not quite sure what they died off. They just stopped eating and didn't want to do anything but stand and sleep. We're hoping that all the rest are healthy.

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