Friday, January 22, 2010

Christmas with the Cousins!

We let the children have a sleepover in the boys room on Christmas Eve. There was barely any floor space left once we got all the mattresses and sleeping bags down. And amazingly, they did go to sleep fairly soon after the lights were out.

Then it was up at 7 am for stockings! We did hear them excitedly whispering at 6:15 am. Who knows how early they were really up, but they couldn't come out of their room until 7 am.

After stockings, we had breakfast of fried eggs and cinnamon rolls.

The tree in all its glory.

The boys were just thrilled to get these mugs.

My sister had made this great calendar for us featuring pictures from our reunion earlier that summer.

More Lego Star Wars!

Matching Princess Barbies!

Nathan got a cool Star Wars (of course) bionic arm that he put together.

And Uncle Mike got a great gift - A year's subscription to Peep of the Month club. I'm sure he's going to enjoy it all year long.


Anonymous said...

What fun to have Christmas with cousins and aunts and uncles! My children would be in hog heaven if that could happen!

The calendar your sister made looks beautiful. Did she do it on the computer? How did she actually put the pages together?

I can't get over how big your kids are looking. Nathan is more man than boy anymore!

~ Betsy

Technoprairie said...

She used a Creative Memories online program to make it. Apparently you design the pages on line and then order it and someone else binds it for you and mails it to you.

You are right about Nathan. His voice is changing, he's a little taller than me, and his shoes are a size 11!

timekeeper said...

What a happy day! We are blessed!