Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Walk in the March Woods

It was a sunny Sunday. Cold but sunny. We decided to take a walk in our woods. The chickens are also enjoying the warmer weather. We've let them out because it is good for them and we are trying to distract the chicken or chickens that have taken a fancy to eating eggs.

As you can see, there is still a lot of snow on the ground.

There were lots of leaves that had melted leaf shaped holes in the snow.

Our river is thawed.

But there is still plenty of ice for boys to break off in big chunks.

See the big chunk?

Watching the ice chunks flow down to the ocean.

We even got some ice to go under the ice, under the bridge, and come out the other side.


Mike Bailey said...

love the leaf pic. so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Is that at your house?

Technoprairie said...

Yes. We are blessed to have some land to enjoy.