Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Squirrels and Seeds

We had a pleasant distraction from school today - watching a squirrel dig up his/her hidden nuts and scramble up a tree to eat them.

Tonight the children pored through the many seed catalogs in search of the particular vegetable that they want to grown in the garden this year. Nathan is undecided, Stephen wants Revolution Lettuce (a red tinged lettuce), Aaron wants a white eggplant, and Deborah wants Ruby Red Corn. And I am being tempted to buy a mix of white, yellow, and orange tomato plants.


Jeannette said...

That is a great shot of the squirrel...how far away were you when you took the picture?

Technoprairie said...

I think I was about 20 yards away in my bedroom! I used my zoom lens on my digital camera and got a pretty good picture.

Anonymous said...

It's neat that the kids are so involved in planning the garden, as well as maintaining and harvesting. Do you ever have any trouble getting them to eat their vegetables?


Technoprairie said...

No, they really enjoy vegetables. It could be because we have them work in the garden and they are proud of their work. Or it could be that the fresh vegetables taste so much better than the ones at the store. Or it could be that my dh and I aren't picky eaters and they just grew up thinking that everyone likes broccoli.

Now I will say that we only have one boy that likes eggplant and it was only last summer that everyone ate asparagus. But on the whole, we're just a vegetable loving family. And seriously, when you have a fresh salad just cut from the garden and a dish of fresh shelled peas and new potatoes, it is an amazing dinner. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!