Saturday, January 05, 2008

A bloggorific day (and more to come)

Since my dh was sick with a cold on New Year's Day, we had to postpone our traditional New Year's Day Tapas meal until today. The tradition is that we pick some tapas dishes and my dh prepares them with each of the children. This year we have picked 8 dishes. Here is Aaron helping prepare Potato Sandwiches.

It is a spinach puree sandwiched between potato slices. They will later be fried.

Stephen is making Chorizo balls and bread wrapped in Lettuce. These are little bits of Chorizo sausage, wrapped in dough and wrapped in lettuce leaves. They will be baked later.

Nathan is preparing cheese cubes for the Fried Cheese tapas.

My dh making the Tuna Balls in Wine sauce. Look good? You should smell the house right now!

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