Saturday, August 25, 2007

A rainy Saturday (and other items)

We had a rainy Saturday morning today. So my dh decided to work on the model airplanes with the boys. They were thrilled. They finally finished painting parts today and began to start to put the planes together.

We took this picture yesterday of a banana spider on our corn plants.

My refrigerator is full of pickles and other vegetables so I'm now looking at another use for the cucumbers. I'm glad that the vines are slowing down otherwise I don't know what I would do. I made some sweet pickle relish yesterday with the last big batch of them. It turned out very good.

And today (Saturday), I picked a new record for cantelope - 11! My dh made a cantamid or a pryalope (whichever you prefer).

Nathan pulled me outside to show me the leftover raindrops on the grapes.


Anonymous said...

I have a wonderful recipe for lime pickles. They're delicious. They taste like apples. Interested?


Technoprairie said...

Sure! Sounds interesting!

Anonymous said...

I've sent you the lime pickle recipe via snail mail. 'Cause it was kind of long to type. And 'cause it's nice to get snail mail occasionally!


Anonymous said...

lime pickles taste like apples?!

your garden is amazing.

you need a blog-name for your husband, though. Maybe something like ... what is, it, Luey Huemis? I'm sure I'm spelling that wrong. And I'm appalled at myself for not being sure if that's even right. You know, the guy from the *alliance* :-)

Technoprairie said...

Oooh, that is a good one. I'll have to suggest it to him!