Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lego Exhibit

This summer we had a Lego exhibit at our local museum. We took the grandparents to it and were really impressed. They had a very detailed huge Lego layout with even some buildings copied from real building in our town.

The Lego Art sculptures were just amazing.

"Louisville Slugger"

I liked the crayon that was partially unwrapped.

Deb is looking at some models of skyscrapers from Detroit.

These are smaller models of some of the most famous skyscrapers from around the world.

There was also a place where you could make Lego projects of your own. Bins and bins of all kinds of Lego pieces.

Viola! Some of the finished pieces.

Boba Fett of course.

And my dh's masterpiece, "Spironimus"


Kim said...

I love that not only did Joe build a sculpture, but that it was given an epic name :-)

Technoprairie said...

He never does anything by halves if he can help it.