It is the trench scene on the Death Star in Episode IV: A New Hope, where Luke flies into the trench and tries to blow up the Death Star. We didn't find green licorice in our local store so we had to go with red licorice laser bolts and black licorice guns. I made the gray colored frosting myself. I think I should buy some real gray coloring from the cake decorating store in town. With three boys and a girl crazy about Star Wars, I think I have a lot of gray cakes in my future.
We had a family over for dinner and the weather was sunny and warm. The children played outside while the adults sat on the porch and talked. And of course we had presents and cake and ice cream. Aaron was well pleased with his birthday.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Aaron!
Today Aaron turned 8! We started the day with chocolate chip pancakes. Aaron had a baseball practice this afternoon and the coach made him run and slide. It was a good practice, but he was pretty tired this afternoon.
In the afternoon, we made his cake. I had to end up making two cakes and putting one on top of another. And what, pray tell is his cake? Can't all you Star Wars lovers figure it out?
Happy Birthday, Aaron! It looks like an excellent Star Wars Birthday.
At Meijer they sell the Wilton pots of paste food coloring - over in the fancy cake pan and cookware section - and the little jar of black is worth investing in. Red, too, if you ever need a DEEP red.
Very cool trench scene!
Loved the cake! You are the queen of gray icing.
Jackson is a big star wars fan too.
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