Sunday, May 27, 2007

Stephen's birthday

Saturday we celebrated Stephen's 9th birthday. He had invited over another family that we've known for years and years. We started off the party by a walk through the woods, through mosquitoes and muddy patches, and ended up at the always fascinating bridge over the river. It really is an official river and ends up in Lake Huron. We're just at the very beginning of it.

No one fell in which is always heartening to the moms. Here is Stephen with his Bionicle cake and his favorite Pirates baseball shirt.

Stephen got several games and is thrilled by another Star Wars Lego set. Remember when getting presents made you grin like this?

So a good time was had by all there. So good a time that we stayed up talking until nearly 10:20 pm. And paid for it the next day. But still, one's 9th birthday only comes once, right?

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