Sunday, November 21, 2010

Official End of the Garden season

Yesterday was the official end of the gardening season. Last Saturday, we moved the giant pumpkin from the front porch before it could rot and put it in the garden. We're watching to see how long it takes for the animals to eat it.

Yesterday I finished up the dehydrating (the last of the hot peppers) and the canning (blackberry jelly, cherry jelly and the jelly below). Can you guess what it is?

It is rosemary jelly. Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs. Rosemary jelly is supposed to be wonderful on lamb. We'll let you know. By the way, the color is due to a couple of drops of green food coloring. The rosemary water was kind of a sickly looking pale yellow. This definitely looks much nicer.

With all the work of the garden finished up, the children have a lot more time to play. So while I was canning, they were getting out the board games and having a great day.

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