Sunday, August 30, 2009


Our friend made this for Deborah. She loved it and wanted to wear it to church the next day. I had to explain that by tomorrow, all of the flowers would be wilted.

Stephen showing his "rotten teeth" (really cherry pits). This is one of his many accomplishments. His best trick is his bubble scream. You have to hear it to believe it.

We went to a minor league game on one of the perfect baseball nights - 72 degrees and clear. Besides being a fireworks night, it also was Star Wars night. Darth Vader graciously posed for a picture. He's pretty nice for a Sith Lord.

Nathan is our first child to break something. He broke his little toe after he ran into a chair. It bruised up nicely and after the initial pain was over and we had taped it, I really think he was a little proud of being the first break.


Kim said...

I was also struck with how nice Darth was, for being a Sith Lord and all.

I love Deborah's flowers ... and Stephen's teeth. And Nathan's toe! What a diverse group you have! :-)

Mike Bailey said...

Poor Nathan.

Sorry, man.