Monday, July 06, 2009

Fourth of July Part I

My husband's workplace had their annual Fourth of July family picnic the Monday before July 4th. My dh as usual was the grillmaster, assisted by his able bodied intern Adam.

There is a huge playground near the picnic area and Teri and Aaron and Deborah played hide and seek with the other children. Right now they are hiding out from Aaron who was it.

Nathan was thrilled that he got to play in the annual Ultimate Frisbee game. He's in red in the picture.

It did rain off and on during the picnic. The byproduct was two great rainbows. This one went clear across the sky.


Kim said...

Awesome pictures!

Except now I'm hungry for bratwurst :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That's one of the best rainbow pictures I've ever seen! Great job, God!:-) And great job with the camera, K!

~ Betsy

Technoprairie said...

It was a beautiful rainbow. Much better in real life than in my pictures.