It is egg laying time up here for turtles. They begin to cross roads and look for the right place to lay their eggs. Often they think that our driveway is a good spot.
Usually we get the box turtle or the painted turtle, but last week, we had a snapping turtle visit. At this point, we just looked and tried to get it to snap a stick, but it wouldn't snap. So we just assumed that it might be snapper.
So I grabbed a handy 5 gallon bucket and went to put the turtle in it. The turtle would have nothing to do with that and snapped at me. Their necks shoot out at least 8 or so inches! I thought I would wait until morning when I would have lots of light. Then she started scrambling again and I thought she would scratch the window or the frame or dig up a lot of sand. I got on the Internet at 11 pm and found out how to move a snapper.
I got a large storage tote and a big grain shovel that we use for snow removal. I used the shovel to move her into the tote. She was not pleased and bit the shovel. But I managed to get her in and let her go near our pond in hopes that she wouldn't come back again.
When I told the children the next morning, they asked why I hadn't gotten a movie of it. When I explained that I was kinda busy with the turtle, one of them suggested that I should have put the camera on the tripod. Maybe next time.