I made Dandelion jelly and Violet Jelly last week. The Violet Jelly turned out a beautiful pinkish purple. I tried to save time and double the batch of the Dandelion jelly. Well, that didn't work. It tastes good but it didn't jell up. So it has the consistency of thick honey. The children still like it so I think I'll let it go for now. Note to self: next year, don't double jelly recipe.
Note: the picture-taking created a kind of optical illusion. The towel is much longer than it is wide. In real life, it doesn't look like a giant potholder.
My iris are up! This is the first spring that I've had iris in a long time and I am glad to have them back.
This is a picture of love. My dh would go through his entire life without ever needing pea fences. But because he loves me, he put up fences on all of my rows of peas.
This sad bird broke his neck on our front window trying to scare off his reflection from intruding on our property. I asked a friend at church and he says that this is a Mourning Warbler and that he was on his way to the northern forests. The other Warbler that was challenging his reflection seems to have left so I hope he is safely on his way to the north.