Saturday, May 21, 2011

Garden Update

With the very useful help of the children, we got most of the garden in. Only thing left to plant are some pickling cukes and the second planting of corn in a couple of weeks. We added a triangular section of new garden this year. The children dubbed it The Salsa Arrowhead. The outside rows are tomatoes. There are peppers, hot peppers, and onions behind the tomatoes. And to top it off way in the back, my dh planted some corn/pole beans/pumpkins all in hills like the Indians did. But at Deb pointed out, he forgot to put the fish in the hole with the seeds.
My dh needed all the children's help to put in the pea fences.

An act of service done for me. Aren't they looking nice?
Now for some of my flowers in the front.
My bleeding heart did so well over the winter. Look how huge it is!
Mike, this picture is for you! I think it may be my first bee picture.
The columbine is looking very good also.
The kids did so well that they got ice cream after the garden was finished.

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