Thursday, January 14, 2010

Catching Up

I'm finally back from "vacation" time. We stayed home but we had lots of visitors and lots of fun. Now it is time to catch up on my blog.

We had an "UP" party where we invited another family to watch Up! with us. Nathan saw this idea in a Family Fun magazine and we tried it out for our refreshments.

This is a bonfire we had in November. Surprisingly November was warmer than it usually was and we took advantage of it to have families over for impromptu bonfires.

And of course, what is a bonfire without marshmallows?


Kim said...

Oh, that's a great idea for an UP party!

Anonymous said...

That was a really clever idea for refreshments! Our church had an "UP" VBS last summer, and they actually had a house hanging from the ceiling of the worship center! But no one thought about having balloon cupcakes.

~ Good to see you blogging've been missed.:-)

~ Betsy