Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Food Processing is done!

It is finally finished. I canned my last batch of pickled carrots on Tuesday. Hurrah! Now I can enjoy the fruits of my labors.

The day before we had our first really hard frost, we brought in all the vine crops that were close to be ripe. This is a Moon and Stars watermelon that looked great on the outside and even seemed to exhibit the signs of ripeness, but it was still underripe. It was a bad year for watermelon. We only got 3 edible Charleston Grays out of five watermelon plants.

My peppers did very well and I ended up drying a lot of them in my dehydrator.

My final two products, pickled carrots (a new one for this year - we'll see how they taste) and some applebutter.


Anonymous said...

I love the bright colors of the different peppers! How long does it take to dehydrate them?

Looking forward to seeing some of the yummy recipes you use these in.

~ Betsy

Technoprairie said...

Peppers don't take too long. If I cut them up in the morning, they are all dried by the evening. Often I would cut them up at night and dry them overnight.

I use them in stews, soups, and chili. I soak them in hot water, then saute them as usual. It works out pretty well.