Saturday, June 16, 2007

Let the Weeding Begin!

We're back from our trip to Illinois and Missouri. And the garden isn't in such bad a shape as I feared. We worked hard to make the garden as weed free as we could before we left and I think it paid off. We did miss the first pea picking, but overall, we're happy with the state of the garden.

This is the lettuce and onion rows before we left (6/6).

Green bean rows (6/6)

And corn rows (6/6)

Here's the corn rows when we got back (6/15).

Green bean rows (6/15)

And the lettuce and onion rows (6/15).

So we've got a lot of those pesky flat weeds that spread out fast, but as I was expecting to see a carpet of weeds, I am thrilled. We started the children right off to hoeing this morning and already things look better.


Mike Bailey said...

so there was gardening but no weeding in eden, right? i imagine that that alone is enough to convince true gardeners like y'all of the severity of the fall.

Technoprairie said...

Thinking about the fall and the curse of weeds and thorns is something we think about every time we start weeding in the late spring. And when it is hot in July and we're weeding the corn, we think about Adam having to work 'by the sweat of your brow'.

It makes for a very good concrete lesson for the children. We've used the word picture of weeds when we talk to them about training them out of some bad habit.