Sunday, July 24, 2011


We had a good baseball season up here. This year, we only had two boys playing. Aaron broke his leg and was in an ankle cast for most of the season. Stephen's season was in May and we have a few games that were pretty cold. Deb is under the purple blanket.
Stephen got to play 3rd base and outfield and had a good season. His team won 2 games which was a pleasant surprise since this was the first time in this age bracket for most of the boys.
We thought that Nathan wouldn't be able to play because there weren't enough boys in our township to make up a Junior League team. Then he found out that the neighboring town had an opening. He jumped at the chance and had a wonderful time.
His team was pretty good and came in second in the league. Nathan got some great plays in the outfield and at first base. He had a couple really great hits. Here's my best action picture ever of him stealing home. He was safe by the way.
Nathan's best game was his last one where he preformed a triple play. The batter hit a hard line drive and Nathan leaped up and caught it (out 1). Then he tagged the runner trying to return to first (out 2). Then his alert shortstop was on second calling for the ball. Nathan threw it to him and the shortstop got the runner trying to return to second base (out 3). It was beautiful to see.


Jeannette said...

That is a great shot of Nathan! Glad you captured the moment! :)

7 Eagles said...

The shots of the children wrapped in blankets remind me of the days when Ben played junior league football. Towards the end of the season, we quite often sat shivering on the bleachers while a chilling rain soaked us. Nothing quite like family love!

Nathan's triple play sounds like one to remember. Great job!

~ Betsy