Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aaron's Broken Fibula

Well, we have our first real broken bone. Nathan's broken little toe doesn't really count since we didn't have to anything except avoid stepping on his foot for a while. Aaron was playing outside and jumped to make a shot or swing an imaginary sword and came down wrong on his left foot.
The bruise got nice and yellow and it swelled up for a couple of days. But after a week, he still couldn't walk on it. So off we went to the doctor.
Well, they thought it was a bad sprain but took an xray to make sure. And that Xray said that Aaron had a small fracture in his fibula down near the growth plate. So then we were off to the orthopedic surgeon.
He gave us this nifty "air cast" for Aaron and said that it would heal very nicely and there was no danger to his growth plate. We go in for follow up Xrays in 2 weeks. But no baseball for a while which is sad because his season starts May 2nd. Some wonderful friends at church made him a care package so he has a little gift to open every day for the next 8 days.


7 Eagles said...

Aww...I feel bad for Aaron having to sit out of baseball for a bit, but at least he can enjoy the extra pampering. What a cool, thoughful idea for your friends to send an 8-day care package! I will definitely have to remember that.

~ Betsy

7 Eagles said...

I'm sorry to hear about Aaron's accident. :-( I will be praying for a quick recovery so that he can return to swashbuckling and baseball!
