Thursday, May 06, 2010

A Trip to Missouri

Just before Easter my aunt died and the whole family gathered for a memorial service on the Saturday before Easter. Our family went down and spent a couple of nights in a night hotel in Missouri.

My two sisters came as well as my parents. We all stayed in the same hotel and had a great time together. My other aunt and my cousin stayed there as well and it was good to catch up on their lives.

In between the service and dinner at my cousin's house, we visited a local VFW and looked at this cool helicopter.

All dressed up for the service.

It was a quick trip but a good one for catching up. My other set of cousins from Florida were there as well. It was a surprise to me to see them. I think the last time I had seen them was before my wedding.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your aunt. Were you very close to her?

~ Betsy

Technoprairie said...

Yes. When I was young, we would travel every year to Lockport, Illinois, and visit her and my Uncle Chuck. I have a lot of fond memories of those visits. She gave all the outward signs of being a Christian so I have great hopes of seeing her in heaven some day.