First, one more shot of the grapes. I picked them almost all of them on Friday before the weekend of frosts came and/or the hornets ate them. It makes it pretty exciting to pick grapes and look for hornets at the same time.

I'm up to 90 quarts of tomatoes or tomato sauce.

We had a lot of grapes and I decided to make grape juice with the grapes I picked on Friday.

My dh and Deb picked all these peppers out of the garden today. We had a frost last night and so we had to get everything but the root vegetables out of the garden.

And last but definitely not least, today was applesauce day. 39 quarts, count 'em, 39 quarts.

Nathan was my helper today. He ran all that sauce through my strainer. It was a cool day to be processing on the porch - the high was 54. Note the gloves.
What's your tomato processing goal? Did you make it? I thought of you when things froze hard, hoping your tomatoes made it to ripe before the frost and ice.
Very impressive bounty. And what a good worker, processing on the deck with gloves on. I wouldn't want to do that!
I was hoping for about 85 qts. We make pretty big batches of spaghetti and chili and we used up all of the 79 qts of last year's tomatoes.
I ended up having to buy tomatoes at the farmer's market since our tomato plants didn't make enough for us.
I did get most of my tomatoes after the first hard frost. I have 2 1/2 five gallon buckets of tomatoes at different stages of ripeness. Hopefully those will ripen and we'll have ripe tomatoes for a little while longer.
If you're interested, my neighbor brought in all her green tomatoes before the frost, and she made Green Tomato Jelly. It was delicious! You put either raspberry or strawberry gelatin in it, so it actually doesn't taste like tomatoes at all.
~ Betsy
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