Much to the children's delight, they woke up to snow on the ground. Our first snow of the year.

After lunch, Deb and Aaron went to play in it. You can kinda see that it is coming down fairly thickly at this point. Look at the dark parts of the woodpiles.

Deb told me that she was "taking snow from the boards and putting it next to the tree".
Wow, we got snow, but you got more snow "way up north" than we did down here!
Those are some large wood piles! Do you all heat with wood in winter?
We have a wood fireplace in the house with a fan that circulates the air around the fireplace. So some days, usually on the weekend, we do heat the upstairs with wood.
I too am impressed with the large wood piles.
Impressed and jealous. Wood pile envy, so to speak. But I'm not envious of the fact of why you need such a large stack!
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