Sunday, September 28, 2008
Apple Day
Ahoy there mateys!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Take away our shrubbery!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A visit with Grandma and Grandpa
Well done Deborah!
Garden report
Looks pretty, doesn't it?
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Catch up Time
Aaron and I on the ferris wheel.
A cool tiny frog Nathan found.
We went to our local historical society's ice cream social. It was a great night. Nice and hot (well hot for us here in the tundraland) and just right for eating ice cream outsite.
They had some old time games that the children could participate in and win prizes. Here Stephen is getting the hang of plate twirling.
We also had a Ford Tri-motor plane come to town. We went to watch it land and take off. The children were suitably impressed by the noise and the wind from the motors.
We also heard a lecture at the historical society. We had an "Erie Boat Captain" take us on a trip down the Erie Canal. Nathan is playing the part of a Hoggee, an orphan that drove the mules along the side of the Erie Canal. See the ladies playing the part of mules? It was a fun lecture and we learned a lot and had fun doing it.
Throughout the presentation, the captain would yell out "Low Bridge!" and everybody had to duck. The children really liked that part and would throw themselves on the floor.