Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Squeezing out the last bit of summer
My Clever Husband
Hint 1: Remember the movie das boot? That reminds me of your surprise tonight.
On a boot with Germans nearby.
So now I start thinking about a boat ride. Boot meaning boat in German. I know that there is a dinner cruise on the Saginaw river and a wine and cheese boat ride on the Au Sable river but since Joe isn't too wild about boats, I can't imagine that we're on a dinner cruise.
Hint 2: Communion elements will be present.
I get this one right away. Wine and bread.
Hint 3: From a strip mall to a freeway.
I email him back saying "We're going to meet one of our German last named friends at a strip mall and drive down the freeway to the dinner cruise. My dh emails back and says that I'm way way off.
Hint 4:
When you go to Kim's house you also see Dale's.
When you go to the beach you see sand.
When you go to the florist you see a rose.
Now I am really confused. It seems like one of those logic puzzles that you got on the SAT. I have no idea what he is talking about.
So in the evening, I'm still thinking about the boat and the three couples that have German last names. It turns out that I am right on one of the German couples. We go to their house and pick them up. After leaving from their house, I finally think that perhaps boot doesn't mean boat but actually means boot. Then I think "the boot of Italy" and there is an Italian restaurant that used to be in a strip mall and is now located somewhat near the freeway that runs through town.
So hint 1 was going to an Italian restaurant with our German friends, hint 2 was bread and wine, and hint 3 related to the restaurant's move. But I couldn't figure out how hint 4 helped. It turned out that the last three words (Dale's sand rose) when said together sound just like the restaurant's name. Wasn't my husband clever?
The date (which I did love as he had predicted) was a Tuscany wine dinner. The restaurant served us outdoors on the patio and we were served family style. They had four different wines and they explained why they had chosen these wines to accompany the food. The weather was cooperative and we all had a wonderful time on the patio drinking very good wine and eating very good food.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Cider pressing!
Stephen, Deb, and Aaron pick the apples out of the water....
This man also has our old tractors and is trying to sell them for us. My dh was able to take the kids for a ride on the one that our friend has fixed.
Then, just as we were about done, we noticed the balloons in the sky. Our annual balloon festival was also this weekend.
Catch up Day
Nathan saw this bird in our woods. It isn't a good picture since it was taken through the screen and at a high zoom. He is mostly gray with a red V on the back of his head. We've never seen him before. He turns out to be a Northern Flicker.
And I made pickles this past Friday after school. The yellow pickles are watermelon pickles and the red jar is pickled beets.
And last but definitely not least, Aaron is learning to ride his bike without training wheels. He seems to be taking to it pretty well. He's only had a couple of falls so far. We're a little slow on the uptake with bikes since we don't live where a child can bike very far. But once they learn, they have a great mountain biking trail in our woods to train on.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tomatoes and Onions
Monday, September 10, 2007
What you do if you don't watch TV
The one on the left is Niagra grape jelly. It smells and tastes like the Concord grape jelly but it is a lovely yellow color.
This is Deb with her "country house".
Stephen joined them after a while. At the end of the day Saturday, the front concrete pad looked like this! Complete with swimming pools with diving boards, a hospital, a fire department, a police station, a bank, a pizzeria, a library, a botanical garden, an electronics store, and a race track.
They had so much fun that they worked on it all Sunday afternoon as well and filled the back concrete pad. The children called it Carville.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
First Day of School
Of Woods and Food
I also made a great gazpacho with garlic croutons. It was delicious! I cut the vegetables by hand rather than use the food processor so it was nice and chunky.