Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cool Pics

Inspired by my brother-in-law's pictures and having a little more time than normal, I decided to take some cool arty pictures while on vacation.   Enjoy. 


Anonymous said...

It seems like a wonderful vacation, with lots of good memories. I like the way you structured it, so that each day had one major highlight. Seems like you were able to enjoy many things that way, without overwhelming your kids (or yourselves!) with too much in a day. Great planning!:-)

By the way, it's good to see you blogging again! I really enjoy your posts.

~ Betsy

Jeannette said...

I really like the photo of the colored bottles nestled in the wall. Thanks for sharing your vacation pics!

Mike Bailey said...

These are really good. Guess which ones are my favorite. I bet you can guess. I'm pretty predictable.

Technoprairie said...

I'm guessing the railings from the hotel?

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