This post is for Betsy. She asked how we do the housecleaning and chores around our house.
Before kids and while working away from the house, I was a "do it all in a day" housekeeper. But now that I have four children that need training and make most of the mess, I've changed to the "do a little every day" method. So here is what we do. I have morning after breakfast chores and afternoon chores for Monday thru Friday.
MondayAfter breakfast: S to sort S and N's laundry and put it in washer
A to clean out van (empty trash, retrieve light sabers, papers, etc)
D to straighten up magazines
Afternoon: S to sort laundry and put his half away. N to put his half of laundry away.
A to sort clean laundry (his and D's) and put his away. D to put her half away.
Tuesday After breakfast: All children clean bedrooms (go under beds to get books, get rid of papers floating around, decrease the number of animals in bed to 3 and books to 5)
Afternoon: S, A, and D, clean bathrooms, I do the insides of the toilets, N sweeps the wood floor downstairs
WednesdayAfter breakfast: N and S to trade off cleaning the kitchen appliances and dusting upstairs
A to empty and refill water bottles
D to pick up wood scraps (in winter when we have wood fires)
Afternoon: all to help me put away groceries and whatever else I brought in from our errand time.
ThursdayAfter breakfast: N and S trade off doing windows (the big sliding glass doors and my kitchen windows) and dusting downstairs
A to empty trash cans from basement
D to empty upstairs trash cans
Afternoon: N to vacumm the upstairs wood floor, I vacumm the downstairs carpet, S, A, and D do odd jobs for me (like clean the top of the refrig or wipe fingerprints off of walls
FridayAfter breakfast: N to sort S and N's laundry and put it in washer
S to sweep front porch and walkway
A to water plants
D to straighten up her room
Afternoon: N to sort laundry and put his half away. S to put his half of laundry away.
D to sort clean laundry (hers and A's) and put hers away. A to put his half away.
In the summertime, we have lots of outside jobs to do on Saturdays. And of course, everyday someone has to take care of the cat and the chickens.
So there it is, my master plan. Actually I'm going to change it some this summer as Aaron and Deborah are getting much better at their tasks and can take on more work.