We started school today. It went pretty well. Aaron and Stephen are excited and Deb is also. She's starting on a "real" mathbook this year. Nathan is being dramatic. Yesterday he wore black to mourn the end of summer.

We just did the basics and were done by lunchtime. It has to be the smoothest I've ever had for a school start. Maybe just getting done with last year's school three weeks ago helped! We'll add the history and science parts next week.
yay! Does each child have a tote of their work? That's a good idea. I never thought of that.
We started, too. Less smoothly than yours. My hairbrained idea to go to the dunes the day before school might have had something to do with it. And we'll have some kinks to work out with the rotating schedule and expecting some children to do school while others are working and others have earned the right to play ... but we're off to a not horrible start. :-)
I think I'm with Nathan, though, mourning the end of summer.
Yes, each of them has their own "milk crate" with hanging folders in it. They have their workbooks, paper, journal, some books, ruler, etc in it. It is nice in that at the end of the school day, they can easily put away their tote and the school table is clean. most of the time.
I have a tote also which has all the answer keys and teacher manuals in it. And this year, I set up another tote with folders for the children to file their completed work. We'll see if that works better than the one big messy pile that then we have to sort through at the end of the year. I think almost anything will be better than that!
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